Keep it real? Nah, I'd rather be Keeping It Virtual

Monday, September 15, 2008


 )))))))))))) (((((((((    )))))))))))   ((((((((((  ))))))))))
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Yes, those are squiggly lines, representative of an upcoming dream sequence.  Use your imagination, people.

"woooooh  Wooooh  WOOOOOOOOOOHHHH  reneeee-----  REnEEEEEEeeee Renee, this is your Piiiiimple speakinnng.....  WoooooOOOOOHHH......I have a messaaaaage for yooooou, from the Great BeyooooOOOnd, woooooooh"

"Huh?  What?? Who's there?  Marie?"

"NooooOOOOoooo wooooOOOOooh, like I saaiiid, this is your Piiiiimple, paaaay attentioooon!"

"Look, the ghost voice?  That's not working for me.  It's too damn early for ghost voice.  Did you just say you were my pimple?"



"Your conscience seeeennttt meeeeeee....  She's still maaaad at yooooou for ignoring her when she warned you about letting Marie watch Scare Tactics, but she couldn't, in good conscience, let this message go unspoken, so she sent me in her place."

"Did you just stop making ghost voice mid-sentence?"


"Okay, so what's the message, besides, you know, exfoliating?"

"Pimple jokes are not apprreeeeeciaaaaated, woooOOOOOOOOHH"


"Look, I'll be straight with you.  You're stressing everyone out, including yourself.  How about you just stick with one blog for now, ride out the storm of your mind, and then, if you still feel weird about it, you can always abandon that one, and come back here.  Conscience just thinks you need to chill out for a little while, and not allow yourself to get worked up about a few privacy issues."

"I see what you're saying.  But Pimple, what about the plans I had for this blog?  What I Tivoed? People I Know? Curse words?  What will become of them?"

"Use them in your other blog.  Make it whatever you want it to be.  It's not too late to change the format over there.  You're talented.  You can do this.  Stop worrying so much about what other people think of your blog or you.  Stop worrying about every little thing that can go wrong, by putting yourself out there.  It's not worth it."

"Thanks Pimple.  I think I needed to hear that."

"Noooo Prooooobleeeeeemmmmmm"

"Hey Pimple?"


"You can leave now, if you want.  I can take it from here.  I mean, you don't HAVE to be like, RIGHT THERE on my chin anymore."

"I don't know.  I was thinking of sticking around a couple more days, maybe inviting a few friends ove.... what are you doing?  Renee?  What do you think you're doing?  You know, that'll just leave a scar.  Don't do it, Renee!  Don't even think abo-"



witticism here said...

Popping zits is the equivalent of squeezing plastic wrap. Very satisfying. The teens I work with are in peril everyday, I swear.

PS- Your anonymity is shot, KIT.

Jillsywillsy said...

I am right there with you. I have changed the format on my blog many times, because of the privacy thing. I want to start a new totally random, totally anonymous one but I would also want my friends to read it---totally messing up the anonymity thing.

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