Keep it real? Nah, I'd rather be Keeping It Virtual

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome Readers

Keep it real?  No thanks.  I'd rather be keeping it virtual.  

Couple of points of interest here:  
1. was not available.  I thought of it ages ago, but I'm quick to think, slow to act.  You'll see.  

In any event, when I saw that it was not available, the first thing I thought was, "Stop saying whatever your brother is saying, seconds before he says it!"  I think that was from an episode of Roseanne.  I lose.

2.  For this day forward, you will refer to me as KIP.  Of course, I understand that Keeping It Virtual would transform into KIV, not KIP, but I have my reasons.  

Fine, I'll expound.  I probably have a learning disorder, because back when I was in elementary school, I didn't know that K.I.T. stood for Keep In Touch.  Furthermore, the first person who wrote it in my yearbook, in like sixth grade, had poor penmanship, and the T looked a lot like a P.  But she was popular, and I thought I'd echo her sentiments in others' books, so I went around writing K.I.P. in everyone's book.  I figured it stood for Keep In Peace or something equally radical.  Even AFTER I found out K.I.T. stood for Keep In Touch, my brain still had K.I.P. memorized, after writing it in the annuals of thirty of my peers.  And even now, when I jokingly write K.I.T., to be ironic or cute or whatever, I still think K.I.P. before writing K.I.T.  

I like my real name, but I'd rather be a poorly-designed string of initials that highlight my brain problems, in order to maintain some sense of anonymity.   I prefer, when you read KIP in your head, that you pronounce it phonetically, and not as K.I.P.  Just trying to Keep It Virtual. However, I feel obligated to mention, if you know me in real life and you call me Kip, I will punch you in the neck.   I also hereby declare that K-Dawg is not a suitable alternative. K-Town, however, will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. 

3.  This anonymous thing will not work out, I'm sure of it.  That doesn't mean I won't insist on dragging it on, well past the point of no return.  Sort of like how I hold onto the word "radical" and the band Oasis.  

4.  You are invited, nay ENCOURAGED to participate.  I will probably ask you to guest blog, even if you are the only reader.  I think guest blogging is hilariously egotistical, and yet undeniably essential to keeping up readership numbers.  Get used to tongue-in-cheek antics veiling earnest concern for high blog statistics.

That said, enjoy my attempt at a new blog.  I've thrown a lot of wet toilet paper at the ceiling of the blogosphere.  Let's hope this one sticks.

EDIT:  After a couple of minutes of reflection, I just can't do it.  KIP?  Really?? Kip is just so Young-Adult-novel-Best-Friend-whose-parents-get-divorced-forcing-her-to-become-a-klepto-to-gain-attention-and-steer-YA-heroine-off-the-right-path-until-lessons-are-learned-and-friends-confront-reality.  And even though reality confrontation is sort of the antithesis of this blog, I just can't take it this far.   

Nay.  I think we'll go with that.

Cast of Characters:
Nay (me, obvs)
Eric (psuedonyms just don't do him justice) (or maybe they do, and I'm messing with your head)

Although they won't be the highlight of this blogging adventure, I may make mention of my offspring, Marie and Baby Ford.  You'll get the hang of it, I promise.

If you would like a psuedonym, drop me a line.  I am all about playing god.  

EDIT AGAIN:  K-Town is still up for grabs.  K-Rock, however, has been reserved.  You gotta be quick in this game.


Anonymous said...

And here I thought K.I.T was that car that David Hasselhoff talked to.

Keeping It Virtual said...

I knew that name sounded familiar. I'm desperately hoping some Knight Rider fan's google search leads to me.

I welcome you with open arms, Hoffers.

witticism here said...

Dear God it's me Margaret,

Well, not really, but I couldn't resists. Psuedonym me, por favor. This is so exciting I have never had one!

Anonymous said...

Wow, my first shout-out on your blog, and it happened on the first post! I love the KIT story, but you are so Nay. I look forward to lurking, de-lurking to comment, and possibly guest blogging, if you're a good girl....or boy....just keeping up the anonymous vibe.

Jillsywillsy said...

I want a psuedonym.
You are so clever. I need an anonymous blog. The Gestapo,
Big brother, blog police got to mine and I can't write anything good.

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