Keep it real? Nah, I'd rather be Keeping It Virtual

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I Tivoed: Project Runway Gets Creative

Welcome to the first of many installments in the series I plan on titling What I Tivoed.  Or WIT, if you're into clever acronyms (which, I believe we've already covered on this blog, no?).  

Right now my Tivo is out of commission, because we recently moved.  So I guess I should be calling this Should Have Tivoed, or SHT.  (*snicker*).  I had to watch my shows real-time, which is like, some kind of Stone-Age B.S., let me tell you.

I know that it's a little late to start blogging about Project Runway, but I'm seriously obsessed with this show, so I think I'll start there.  Season 5 is nowhere near as entertaining as Season 3/4, but it's plenty blogworthy.  I'm really not sure who I'm rooting for, even though I think I'd place my bets on Leanne.  My husband thinks she's cute, in a so-weird-looking-she's-cute kind of way, and it sort of offends me.  I rely on the comfort that I don't think he's seen her Bravo bio picture, because I'm pretty sure he'd take it all back the second he saw it.  I know she's high fashion, but those shoes are kind of gross, and people who make bedroom eyes and cock their hips make me feel icky. However, I give her much respect for cutting her own bangs fairly evenly, and l totally wish I actually  left my house every once in a while, because I would wear clothes from her collection, Leanimal, in a heartbeat.

Personally, I think Kenley's look is cuter, but she reminds me of a girl I went to school with (who shall remain nameless (unless you e-mail me)), and so I feel completely unable to root for her.  It would be doing my 8th-grade self a great injustice.  That's all I'm saying.  (Seriously, e-mail me).

Last night, the designers had to create a couture look using the Zodiac as their inspiration.  I liked the challenge, because I like crazy.  

As you probably know, the designers were paired with (to borrow a phrase from Tom and Lorenzo) "auf'd" designers, which meant the return of Daniel, my favorite Deer Caught In The Headlights.  I don't have an impossible crush on him or anything, but I would LOVE to give the guy a big hug, tell him I think he has good taste, and maybe sit in on his intervention.  I love people who seem uncomfortable in their own skin.  They're my weakness.

None of the designers made anything worth talking about, but it was still a great episode, full of fashion AND personal drama.  And poor Nina, on her first day back, looked like she just wanted to down a bottle of Exedrin and crawl back into bed.  She looked like a woman with heavy flow forced to run errands with a minivan full of preschoolers.  I know that look well.  

I hated watching it with the commercials, so hopefully my Tivo gets reconnected before next week.  I didn't even bother watching Top Design, which means, I have NO IDEA how Ricky Schroeder's eternal companion would decorate her fallout shelter, and that makes my life feel a little less complete.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now that I know you are a fan of Tom and Lo over at ProjectRungay, we are so going to bond over their hilarious bitchery. I HATE DANIEL! Why, Nay, why? I don't get it.

Kenley has a very cool personal style, but she is made of suck.

Leanne is surprising me more and more, I really dig her lately.

My favorite is Korto. I think she's made some gorgeous things that I would totally wear if she had a much larger fabric budget at Mood. Me thinks she would have no problem designing for a larger gal, unlike most designers on this totally addictive show.

No Tivo? Hell on Earth.

Keeping It Virtual said...

I like Korto too, and I think she has a good chance of making it in the fashion world.

And I'm sorry, but if you did not want to give Daniel a hug after Kenley laughed at him, you are made of cold, cruel stone. Whatever idiotic thing he constructed on the runway in the past was wiped from my memory.

it's totally personal though, and has nothing to do with his execution of gaments.

Anonymous said...

I must be made of granite, because I laughed when Kenley did that to Daniel. His pretentious ass needed a reality check. Now Kenley needs a reality check, too...for reals. Her fug outfits need to go - she's not near as good as she thinks she is. I don't get how she has some cool personal style and then brings the shit to the runway.

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